Established 1991. Two life time friends and Wilda (Kevin’s mum), embarked on a part-time venture selling jacket potatoes from a Coventry car park. This soon developed into markets and events all over the country. Over the years Wilda’s has grown and now operates out of three shops in Coventry and Rugby.In addition to our famous jacket potatoes with a wide choice of delicious fillings, we provide Mash Pots with a choice of filling, Cottage Pies, Roast Pork batches if you’re from Coventry! - Rolls or cobs if you’re from anywhere else, Combination Salads, Filled Potato Skins, Garlic Bread, Milkshakes and more.
We also sell Snack Pots from 240g to 2.5kg – these can be used for individual meals to party size with a choice of meal options, Chilli Con Carne, Chicken Curry, Steak and Onions, Bolognese, Madras Curry, Mince and Vegetables, Spicy Sausage, we also cater for vegetarians. Wilda’s is a very healthy and convenient option.
We are always trying to achieve the highest standards and know there is always room for improvement. So we would welcome any comments you may have.